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The night we were attacked by ballistic missiles...

Writer's picture: Micha StraussMicha Strauss

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

there is no way for me to describe the week that has passed... it is insane to think that only one week has passed!!! and not even! holy moly...

but, since we are still alive, let me do the best that i can to share with you all what is going on here...

on Tuesday the 1st of October, Iran decided to attack the country of Israel and fired 201 ballistic missiles. it was the first time in human history that a country launched such an attack on another country.

this attack came after Israel decided it had enough and said out laud: "we will not stand this anymore" to the none stop firing on our north by Hezbollah since October 8th of 2023.

for the past 11 months, the north of Israel is being bombed everyday by Hezbollah. we decided we had enough of that and we made sure that the other side understands what we mean by that statement. we have been threatened by Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah for over 30 years that they (Hezbollah) will kill us all here in Israel, on a minute notice they will do to us what Hamas did to us in 7.10.23...

they will invade our country, rape, murder, mutilate, behead and take hostage of as many Israelis as they can, and they worked very hard to "almost" make that plan happen... we now know this because we invaded Lebanon before they invaded us and found all the tunnels they been digging, filling up with supplies to invade, weapons to kill, blades and swords to behead and mutilate, food for long periods of waiting time underground and so much more! (the IDF took videos of these tunnles and shared them with the whole coutnry) they were ready for action!

all they waited for was the "go ahead" from their leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

one day, we tricked them and blew up their beepers and walkies talkies... they did not like that at all! (that special inelegance military / Mossad operation would be spoken over and studied for years to come everywhere in the world) then, their leader, who was in hiding for the past 30+ years so we don't kill him made a crucial mistake and moved from his hiding place and joined the other Hezbollah leaders to schedule this coming attack of what they called: "onslaught of the Galilee and unleash carnage". we, who have foreseen this move of invading us coming, made sure that this plan of his will not be executed and did something unheard of and dropped 85 tons of bunker destroying bombs in the most orchestrated air attack ever made in the history of all war...

we killed them all in their bunker as they were hiding and planing their attack on the north of Israel.

Israel will not stand this aggression anymore and has made it very clear to them and to ALL who wish to harm us. they, did not listen. they chose to ignore the fact that the country of Israel has changed its mind and actions and is now making sure that no one would ever hurt us again in any way... this elimination of Hassan Nasrallah was extremely painful to Iran. Iran has been grooming this leader of theirs for so many years! he was their hope of subduing Israel and bringing it to its knees... he was their hope to secure the Iranian nuclier program so we do not bomb it... Hezbollah was Iran's weapon against us.

we have been threatened by Hassan for so long, we had no idea how to respond to all these threats... when you have an enemy like Hezbollah sitting on your border telling you that if you do not surrender, they will invade you, fire tens of thousands of missiles into your country, blinding your iron dome defense system and killing over 10K Israelis in the very first day of war! and then, what do you do? how do you respond to this kind of threats? knowing they have all these missiles in their arsenal?!

we did not know how to respond.

the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) have been studying them (Hezbollah) since 2006 (the second Lebanon war). we have mapped out where they hide all these missiles, where are their bunkers, bases, hideout places, underground offices and bases, all the missiles and rockets and so on... our air-force had 30 years of plans that were just sitting on a shelf, waiting, ready to be taken out and delivered at any point in time.

and that is what we did.

we went on attack.

we had enough of all these threats.

and, as it goes, Hezbollah did absolutely nothing of what was promised! so, were they lying all along? or did we destroy them so fast they had no chance to go ahead with their plan? the truth is, that they were ready. they would have fired tens of thousands of missiles into Israel and they were ready to invade and kill us all. that did not happen and Israel took the next step and started to kill all Hezbollah's chain of command.

Iran took it all very hard.

this was after we assassinated Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran Iran and made them all look very little and small... if we can hit them in Iran, in the middle of their capital, what else will we do?

I can see how scary this must have been for them over there in Iran...

so, they decided that they will not stand this aggression and told us flat out laud that they will attack us, most likely by ballistic missiles...

we, knew that they were serious and took all the necessary actions to be ready for their promised attack.

on October 1st Iran made good on their promise.

our intelligence knew already by 10AM of that day when Iran will push the red button and send these missiles hurdling toward us.

but, how do you keep a whole country from going crazy while ballistic missiles are targeting you and will soon be fired on you?

that is a very good question!

starting from around 12 noon, the news, in every channel had someone high ranking IDF defense officer tell us all that we need to be ready. not that we should panic, but we need to stay next to safe shelter... then, they explained that they are monitoring the actions of the Iranians and that we will be attacked sometime today... most likely...

very slowly, calmly and with amazing care and grace, they guided the whole of Israel to be ready for this attack, hour by hour.

me and Ayelet were watching this whole thing unfold and we were ready... (how can you be ready to be killed by Iranian ballistic missils? not sure, but we were ready.)

at around 19:00 PM as we were watching TV, the news still on, waiting for the attack to happen when all of a sudden the right side of the TV got filled up with names of places in Israel (this system is what tells us where the rockets just fired will hit), now usually, it is a few names of settlements that were targeted, but this time it was almost the whole of Israel! the list just kept getting longer and longer and longer...

but there was something strange... the names were all from the middle of Israel and to the south... no names of any city or small kibbutz or anything in the north side of the country...

at first, i did not understand what it is that i am seeing on TV... then it hit me!

Iran has fired at their missiles at us!

i grabbed my phone and ran outside to film the event, after all, no points of interest in the north were targeted so why not go outside and film it all happening?

what you see here is the clip Ayelet took (mine was not as good as hers) after i shouted to her in the house that we are being bombed by missiles!

what you can see here is our defense system fire missiles into space to catch the Iranian incoming missiles. the explosions you see up in the sky are of two different kinds. the purple more round explosions were outside the atmosphere while the more orange ones are explosions in the atmosphere of our missiles hitting theirs. the rest of the clip shows the missiles hitting Israel while our defense system tries to catch them infilght. there was some damage made in some places but nothing special.

one person was killed in this attack. a 37 year old Palestinian from Gaza who was chilling out in the street in Jericho when a piece of an Iranian missile that has been intercepted by our system hit him directly and killed him. there is a clip of that happening but i will spare you that.

in this clip there are sounds of the sirens going off all around us and finally in our home.

when watching this clip, please be aware of your surroundings and that no one is scared of the sound of sirens.

that is the reason that i posted in on Facebook with no sound...

but here, for you all i will share it as it was. the talking is in Hebrew, but it is basically us both tripping out, being fired upon by ballistic missiles coming from Iran.

later today or tomorrow i will post more letting you all know what is going on here with us.

till then, keep on being kind, life is so very short, we take nothing with us when we go.

much love

Micha (and Ayelet of course)




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