Here is our very latest new prayer wheel design! A spherical prayer wheel!
It is made from Maple hardwood and it has inside of it:
1.2 billion Mani mantras printed on nano film300,000 White Tara mantras printed on microfilm
200,000 Vajrasattva mantras printed on microfilm
The Surat El Fatiha prayer from the Muslim faith
The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic script from the Christian faith
The unity prayer from the Bahai faith
The Shir Lamaalot song from the Jewish faith.
A prayer from the Hopi tribe in Arizona
The world peace prayer by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
it has the word: "one" in Hebrew script on the drum and two strips of inlay Lapis Lazuli stone on the handle.peace be with you all :)
As requested by our teacher, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, we have placed the Drikung Kagyu logo button on top of some of our prayer wheels like this one :)
a spherical peace prayer wheel MP#5
This round sphere prayer wheel design has been in the making for a long time. This design was made so that the spinning experience for the practitioner would be the easiest, most smooth and silent. This design is the most comfortable one we have made yet and it is by far the best design we made till now. Hope you will enjoy our latest spherical prayer wheel design!